Research results

The risk of moisture damage during the construction of prefabricated wooden buildings can be reduced

(Publicerad 2010)

(Published in 2010)
There are measures that can be taken to minimise the risk of moisture damage during the construction of prefabricated wooden buildings. These include the specification of timber grades, as well as improving the handling of timber and structural components during storage, transport and assembly.

The main risk factors for moisture damage are that the timber and structural components are exposed to rain/water. This also applies before the timber is delivered to the prefabrication workshops. Air humidity has no major impact on the risk of moisture damage.

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Fire safety in timber buildings

The very first European handbook on fire safety in timber buildings has now been produced in a European collaboration led by Sweden. 

Leading experts and researchers from Finland, Germany, France, Norway, the UK, Austria, Switzerland and Estonia guarantee its quality and applicability. 

An 8-page summary of the results, which also contains a brief description of the benefits of building in wood, is available for dissemination. The summary is currently available in Swedish and English.

Handbook on moisture-proof curtain walls

The use of curtain walls with a high degree of prefabrication and good moisture-proofing can in many cases be an important factor in shortening construction times and improving construction efficiency. SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden has produced a handbook – Moisture-proof curtain walls with a high degree of prefabrication using the “Dutch method”.

The handbook presents a number of standardised solutions for curtain walls with accompanying tables of values. The authors of the handbook have drawn on experience from the Netherlands and adapted it to Swedish conditions.

The handbook can be accessed  here.

Moisture-proof building with wood

Extensive R&D investments are currently underway to increase the knowledge surrounding moisture-proof construction in wood, including the research programme WoodBuild. Professor Lars-Olof Nilsson of the Division of Building Materials at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, has produced a summary of what we currently know about moisture-proof building and planning wooden structures. The report also contains advice on how Boverket’s moisture requirements can be applied, plus suggestions on critical air humidity for wood.

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