Round shapes in plywood

Digital Wood in Gothenburg, Sverige by Oskar Gillkvist, Viktoria Henriksson and Emil Poulssen

Flat plywood sheets become three-dimensional in “Digital Wood”, Master’s students Oskar Gillkvist, Viktoria Henriksson and Emil Poulssen’s exam project at Chalmers University of Technology. The project involves experimenting, designing and building a pavilion that will stimulate visitors.

“One of the advantages of the pavilion typology is that its structures are usually temporary, and they therefore create opportunities to quickly try out new ideas,” write the students in their project presentation. The shape is based on the infinity symbol, a figure of eight on its side.

The design comprises a large number of triangles with gently rounded corners and angled edges. These are held together by slim steel ribbons that lock everything into place. To achieve the gently rounded shape, each triangle has its own unique angles. The parts were then cut out using a three-axis CNC milling machine. The students experimented with several different types of plywood before finally choosing Swedish birch plywood.


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