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Photo Magnus Glans

Solith af Malmborg

In many ways, Solith af Malmborg’s open wardrobe design is a meeting of two cultures, not least in the choice of materials, with Solith opting to combine Swedish pine and Chinese bamboo. This is a kind of symbolism, describing the journey on which the project has taken the students. 

Both the chest of drawers and the cupboard have a pine exterior and a bamboo interior, with the bamboo providing a little surprise concealed within the enclosing carcass.

Solith’s idea is that the wardrobe’s owner can customise the appearance and function, for example by purchasing more detailed components to achieve a more exclusive feel. The hanging cupboard that you can thread onto the wardrobe rail is one example, as are the mirror and hinges. The clothes and accessories you choose to display also set the tone of the wardrobe.

“The Chinese furniture manufacturer thinks very much in terms of engineering and practicalities. Having to justify my choices of design and proportion has been both useful and educational. We have worked very closely together, with a strong focus on the structural aspects of the design. The project has been about much more than just delivering a look.”

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